7 Tips for Improving Your Call-to-Action

Are you getting plenty of web traffic, but not enough promising leads? You’ve fought half the battle! Start by joining our referral network in Dallas, then keep reading for tips to improve your writing for more effective calls-to-action.

For more great ideas on how to grow your business, join the our referral network in Dallas -  Pro Net, The Professional Referral Network.

How to Write a Compelling Call-to-Action

1. Don’t Make Viewers Guess What You’re Offering

Your call-to-action should be crystal clear. Be specific about what your offer is. 

For example, if you’re giving something away say “Download our FREE guide!”. The “XYZ” should let your viewers know that what you’re offering will benefit them. Without a doubt, writing like “Click Here to Download” simply isn’t compelling or specific enough to convert.

2. Images Make Your Message Stand Out 

80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing.

According to Hubspot, people pay more attention to images that carry information. As a matter of fact, most viewers spend more time looking at an eye-catching image than reading the text of the webpage they’re on. 

3. Reconsider the Placement of your Call-to-Action 

Have you heard the term “above the fold”? It refers to the space on your web page that is visible to viewers without having to scroll. 

Google recently published a study showing that ads appearing above the fold had 73% visibility. Ads below the fold had a mere 44% visibility. When you place your CTA above the fold, you’re putting it out there for more than double the impressions. 

4. Hyperlink to a Corresponding Landing Page with your CTA

A call to action without a hyperlink is wasted text. Not providing a link to your websites visitors gives them another hoop to jump through. It’s more than likely they’ll just move on to one of your competitors. 

Check once. Check again. Do whatever you have to do, but make sure every CTA you write has a link to its corresponding landing page. 

5. Write a CTA for Every. Single. Blog Post

Whenever you create a new blog content, choose an offer that’s the most relevant to that blog post. Then add a call-to-action to the bottom of that blog post linking to the landing page for that offer. 

However, you should be aware of your choice of words! Hubspot reports that personalized CTAs perform just over 200% better than generalized CTAs. Don’t be generic. 

6. Be Intentional with Your Color Choices (Contrast is Your Friend!) 

You might be screaming internally at the idea of loud color choices. But we promise it works! If your call to action blends in with your site’s design, readers might miss it. 

The goal is to draw as many eyes as possible to your call-to-action. Contrasting colors are the best way to get the job done. 

7. Use CTAs Where They’re Most Relevant 

Your calls-to-action should be copy-paste, copy-paste. 

Create CTAs for each product or service your company offers. Then you can pair those CTA offers with the most relevant blog posts. Remember, don’t forget a link back to that product or service’s page!

Need More Marketing Tips and Tricks? Join the Best Referral Network in Dallas, Texas

Are you always on the hunt for new ways to market your business? Could you benefit from a professional referral network in Dallas? If you’re in the Dallas area and want to meet more like-minded business owners, become a member with ProNet. Click here to check for upcoming events in Dallas, Texas. 


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