4 Must-Have Networking Skills for Professionals 

If you’re a small business owner or professional, you’ve probably spent a fair amount of time looking for professional networking near me

Projecting sincerity when you’re networking can be a challenge. This list breaks down some easy, practical ways to improve your networking skills fast! 

4 Networking Skills that Actually Work

  1. Make it part of your routine

    If you’re just getting started with professional networking near me, this is a good way to make networking natural. As you’re working out your schedule for the week (or month!) just pencil in a time every few days to reach out. Pick one single company (or person!) who provides a service you value. 

    It’s that simple! You don’t need to ask for anything, just let them know you wanted to let them know you’re interested in their work and wanted to say hi. No pandering, no begging. Just getting your name out there in a non-intrusive way. Just be sure you’ve done your research! 

  2. Keep your language positive

    The bulk of our communication is done via text these days. And with text, it’s easy to misconstrue the meaning behind someone’s words. We lose those subtle methods of communication when we can’t see a person’s face or body language. 

    That’s why the words we chose and the way we put them together is so important. 

    Keep things professional, but be aware of how you phrase things. “I want to work with your company on an upcoming project” could become “I’d love to get together for a quick interview to discuss a new project.” Be inviting. Be engaging! Avoid demanding language. 

  3. Establish a few power contacts 

    When it comes to professional networking near me, not all of your contacts will be created equal. 

    It’s true. No referral is a bad referral, but some people just provide more value. Maybe they’re constantly introducing you to other professionals with complementary work. Maybe they’re referring you to more quality leads. Either way, most professionals have contacts that are just better at helping to push their work to the forefront.

    When you find a potential power contact, work hard to nurture that connection. Mention them in your social media posts. Pay it forward with high-quality referrals of your own. Be a pal! You know what they say - it isn’t always what you know, it’s who you know. 

  4. Improve your email game 

    Social media is a power player, that’s for sure. But the actual work gets done over email. Working relationships are built through the conversations we have there. 

    Here are some tips for writing an attention-getting, relationship-cultivating, sincere email. 

  1. Keep the focus on them - introduce yourself briefly, but keep the focus on why you’re interested in their work. 

  2. Be brief - don’t waste their time with a lot of unnecessary chatter. In business, time is money and the last thing you want to do is keep them from making it. 

  3. Highlight a common interest - whether it's mutual interests (I hear you play a mean game of tennis) or a mutual friend, this is a great way to make your email more personal. 

  4. Provide valuable content - Offer up some insightful thoughts, meaningful questions, or a current project that may be mutually beneficial. 

See, it’s not too hard! 

Looking for more ways to network in the Dallas area? Contact PRONET today! 

Pro Net offers its members frequent networking events, meant to highlight and promote your local business. Join a group of like-minded professionals to increase your business and improve your networking skills. Contact us today to learn more!


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