5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

It is nice to see that a lot of the unforeseen chaos of 2020 is behind us. This means we have a lot to look forward to this year. Below are some trends to expect for 2021 from ProNet, professional networking near me.

To say 2020 was unpredictable would be an understatement. Being that last year was so unpredictable, many trends that were predicted pre-pandemic never emerged at all. Any many companies and businesses were forced to adapt and reshape their marketing landscape very last minute. 

One aspect of 2020 that changed the most from previous years was eCommerce sales. These sales went through the roof and people spend a lot more time on social media. The possibilities of remote-working also skyrocketed with the use of video conferencing. These changes have caused a significant shift in the way brands connect with their customers.

Now that we have broken into a new year, here are some key trends to keep your eye on for 2021. To stay up-to-date on business trends, follow ProNet, the Professional’s Referral Network.

1. More purpose-driven missions from brands

After everything that went down last year, it is important for brands to let their customers know that they can be trusted. Without transparency with their customers, how can their customers know to trust them? This year it will be very important for businesses to dig deep into why they exist and who they are here to serve.

2. Inclusivity will be key

Inclusivity became a bigger focus in 2020 and for brands to show that they are still dedicated to those issues, they will have to continue to prove it in 2021. It is predicted that brands who openly showcase their involvement in inclusive causes will reap the benefits. These brands are also predicted to drive deeper connections with their buyers.

3. Increase in easy-to-consume content

A big change in 2020 was the amount of content that was able to be consumed on the go. Content like podcasts became more important because of convenience and because they were ready to be consumed whenever. In 2021, this trend of easy-to-consume content will continue.

4. Content that focuses on current events

Relevant content gets more clicks. In 2020, many businesses shifted from their regularly scheduled content to focusing on the current issues, such as the pandemic. In 2021 it will remain important for businesses to stay up to date on current issues and to keep their target audience informed with relevant information.

5. Consumer spending will explode

Lastly, it is predicted that consumer spending will explode in 2021. This is due to the fact that many people lost jobs in 2020 and were forced to lower their spending habits. Consumers may decide to splurge on items they put on hold last year.

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