5 Stats to Boost Your 2021 Marketing Strategy

5 Stats to Boost Your 2021 Marketing Strategy - Professional Networking Near Me.jpeg

The year 2021 is here! What are you doing to benefit your business in the midst of creating personal goals and resolutions for the coming year? 

In 2020 alone, business owners and marketing leaders had to pivot from their original strategies to deal with a global pandemic. Although we don’t know exactly what this year will hold, we can use what we’ve learned in the last 12 months to improve our marketing strategy for 2021. 

By evaluating your social data from 2020, you can identify what types of content will resonate with your audience and areas of improvement to make a bigger business impact. As you take your business into the future, here are five stats to keep top of mind when marketing in 2021 from Pro Net, professional networking near me.


57% of consumers hope to learn about new products and services from a brand’s social feed. 

While some people follow brands for entertainment and humor, most people say they hope to learn more about new products and services. According to Index, this is the number one reason consumers follow brands, which means no announcement is too small or big to share with your followers. 

49% of consumers will unfollow brands because of poor customer service. 

There’s no way around it; poor customer service will chase away your followers in 2021. Therefore, marketing leaders can’t afford to ignore questions, feedback, and interactions with consumers online. As you consider how you can improve your online presence in 2021, be sure to evaluate how customer inquiries are handled. 

45% of consumers rely on suggestions from their feed to find new accounts to follow. 

Building an online audience is challenging. In addition to competing with your closest competitors, you are fighting for their attention span and looking for ways to get your content noticed. In 2021, look for creative ways to get seen, like targeting consumers who show an interest in industries that complement your own. 

68% of consumers want to engage with images, while 50% want to engage with video content. 

In 2021, your content should not only be relevant to your audience but engaging as well. Research from the Index reveals that 68% of consumers want to engage with images, while 50% want to engage with video content. Start by reviewing your content that received the most engagement this past year, then brainstorm how you can turn those topics into visual and video content. 

92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know. 

Last but not least, 2021 is the year to work on your networking strategy. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust referrals from their family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. What’s more, 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. This year, it’s more important than ever to expand your referrals. That means creating a referral system or expanding your network by joining a professional networking group near me

Want more tips on boosting your marketing strategy in 2021? Follow Pro Net, professional networking near me


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