5 Tips to Surviving Your Next Networking Event

Is there anything more nerve-wracking than attending your first (or tenth) networking event? 

You arrive at a networking event near me - alone, your heart-rate is up, and you try to lock eyes with someone in a sea of strangers, but everyone appears to be happily engaged in conversation. 

The key is reminding yourself that each person is there for the same reason - to network - and you’re all this together! Here are 7 helpful tips for navigating and making the most out of your time. 

  1. Find the bar! 

    This isn’t about loosening up - although it can certainly help if you are nervous about striking up a conversation with strangers. Drinking or not, positioning yourself at the end of the bar is an ideal spot to start a conversation. Many people run to the bar throughout networking events for a short respite, which gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself without having to dive into an overwhelming crowd. 

  2. Be yourself and treat people like friends. 

    Finding a networking event near me is the perfect place to jump-start business relationships. Be authentic and genuine, not someone you think people want to meet. Remember, you want to treat new networking relationships the same as your friendships. That means being a good listener, in addition to being a good talker. Work on building rapport with those you actually want to stay in touch with. 

  3. Introduce yourself to the organizer. 

    Feeling a little out of your element? One of the best ways to learn more about an organization and meet new people is to find the organizer. He or she can then help you get off on the right foot. The event’s organizer knows all the regular attendees, so they can connect you with those who might benefit your business - and vice versa. 

  4. Sharing is caring. 

    Ah, the golden rule. When it comes to networking - sharing is caring. It’s true that you are there to grow your business network, but you must be willing to give as well as take. Sharing your contacts and resources will make others more likely to extend a helping hand to you. However, you want to do so with sincerity and without expecting something in return. Keep in mind that even if someone can’t help you directly, there’s a good chance someone in their network can. 

  5. Ask genuine questions. 

    Be genuine and thoughtful. The best way to get to know someone is to ask meaningful questions. Practice allowing the other person to speak more than you in a conversation. This leaves a good impression and you’ll get to know a lot about him/her. Additionally, when you plan and execute your follow-up you’ll be able to do so more thoughtfully. 

Attending a networking event near me isn’t always the easiest on our nerves, but the benefits to your business are ten-fold. Learn more about networking in Dallas with Pro Net, The Professional’s Referral Network. 


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