How to Use Business Networking Groups Near Me to Grow Your Business

SEO, responsive web design, and PPC advertising may be hot topics in today’s digital world. Of course, these tactics play an essential role in growing your business. However, there is one tried and true, time-tested marketing tactic that continues to provide results for small businesses. 

We’re talking about good, old-fashioned networking on a local level. While the Internet and the way we can reach customers continues to evolve, networking is still one of the most cost-effective marketing tools. Here’s how you can use business networking groups near me to grow your business. 

What is a business networking group?

Business networking groups are local groups that meet in-person (or online) on a regular basis with the primary goal of exchanging business referrals between members. Most groups have a member vetting process to adhere to quality and ethics standards, typically requiring an application and fee to join. Meetings are conducted in a structure format so that each member gets equal consideration. 

How to Use Business Networking Groups to Grow Your Business

Be specific with referral requests. 

A business networking group will generally give their members an opportunity to ask for referrals. In order to get the most out of business networking groups near me, you’ll want to be as specific as possible when you describe the referral that you’re looking for. Keep in mind, you want referrals to turn into customers, but vague and generic referral requests could be counterproductive to that goal. 

Consider strategic partners. 

Personal introductions to new customers are great, but even better is a personal introduction to someone who will send you lots of new customers. Strategic partners may take more time and energy to result in a cash flow, but you don’t want to miss out on a potential gold mine for new customers. Try asking members of your business networking group for strategic partners, or join a group that already has a few in it. 

Promote content within. 

Members of your group may not always have referrals for you, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help you out in other ways. Ask your fellow members and members that operate in complementary industries if they would be willing to share a blog about your business to their social media accounts. Since groups often have 20-30 members, and each of those people have a few hundred connections, you could gain access to tons of free exposure. 

Ask members to leave you a review. 

Customers rely a lot on positive online reviews when shopping for their goods and services. Once you’ve gotten to know some members of your group, ask if they’d be willing to write you an online review or LinkedIn recommendation from a business associate perspective. This may have more weight because it's coming from someone with more of a long-term relationship with you. Of course, you should always offer to do the same in return. 

Now that you’re ready to get the most out of business networking groups near me, it’s time to take action! Contact ProNet, the Professional’s Referral Network in Dallas today to learn more. 


Happy Father’s Day from ProNet!


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