7 Ways to Identify Worthwhile Networking Opportunities

Networking opportunities are all around us, but that doesn’t mean each of them our worthwhile. How do you decide which professional relationships and networking events in DFW are worth your effort? 

ProNet, the Professional’s Referral Network in Dallas is here to help. Here are 7 of the best ways to pinpoint worthwhile networking opportunities.

  1. Consider Your First Impression

    It only takes 30 seconds of a conversation to determine if someone is going to be a good business contact - from body to language like handshake and eye contact to what they say and how they say it. When considering which professional relationships I should pursue, I always look for great vibes and success. 

  2. Use Social Media to Your Advantage 

    With professional gatherings abound it isn’t always easy to choose which networking events in DFW is right for me. When I’m feeling unsure I like to hop online and browse the group’s activity. Here you can get a sense of past events and the quality of the attendants. Do their vision and goals align with yours? 

  3. Look for Mutual Connections and Interests 

    If you’ve attended a recent business conference or networking events in DFW, you may feel a little overwhelmed at the number of contacts you recieved. I like to start with those that share common associates and interests. Professional platforms like LinkedIn make this easy. Explore the people, causes, organizations, and publications each person is involved with to gain a sense of credibility and find out what you have in common. 

  4. Discuss Your Target Customer 

    It isn’t always simple to identify worthwhile contacts in a room full of people. When joining in the discussion, make sure to mention your ideal customer and ask if they know anyone who might fit that mold. If they don’t, there’s always a chance they might be able to refer you to someone who does. Just don’t forget to return the favor!

  5. Match Up Goals

    Networking events can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to also stay focused on your business goals. When comparing opportunities, consider whether each connection can help you fulfill those goals. This may take time and research, but with a good evaluation process you can identify worthwhile opportunities. 

  6. Can You Benefit Them

    The best business contacts are ones that are mutually beneficial. Following the formal meet and greet, I’m usually able to determine if I may be able to help that person’s business. If the answer is yes, it’s likely you’ve landed yourself a good business contact who will also be able to refer their contacts to you. 

  7. Challenge Yourself

    In the words of Confucius, “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” This philosophy should be applied to the networking events you attend. Look for people and events that professionally challenge you. If you find that you are the most successful or knowledgable person there, you may not get as much out of that particular network as you need to grow your business. 

Follow ProNet, the Professional’s Referral Network for more great networking tips and networking events in DFW


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