Networking During a Pandemic - Meetups Near Me

As we cope with the most serious pandemic in years, health experts recommend social distancing as a way to flatten the curve and limit the spread of the coronavirus. That means canceling in-person networking events, shutting down places of learning, and working from home as much as possible. 

Yet Meetup, a website built around bringing people together, is continuing to help people organize face-to-face interactions and network through virtual events - Meetups near me.

History of

Meetup was founded by Matt Meeker, Scott Heiferman, and Peter Kamali after the tragedy of September 11th. The idea was simple, to help people lean on each other during challenging times. Today, business leaders face their own set of challenges: connecting with others in-person while keeping their community healthy from the novel coronavirus. 

The primary purpose of is to facilitate gatherings of individuals with similar interests. Although this began with in-person offline gatherings, the current landscape is taking these Meetups online and encouraging people to meet up anyway they can, including virtual events - Meetups near me.

There’s a Meetup for every passion and interest including book clubs, wine tasting groups, fitness groups - the list goes on and on. Meetups are also held for a variety of business purposes, like networking events, product launches, training, product demos, focus groups, and more. No matter what niche your business is in or what your interests are, you can find a Meetup to match. 

How to Network with Meetups Near Me

Most social networks help you connect with people you already know. Meetup, on the other hand, connects you with those you haven’t met yet - but you should because you share something important. Those people could be your next client, your next investor, your next hire, or your next business partner. 

The best way to use Meetups for your business and to advance professionally is to show up, start talking, and take the time to make a few genuine connections. Because you may actually meet new customers and target influencers/consumers in person, the brand impression you will leave is deeper and more personal. 

Look for groups that complement your products or services. For example, if you want to meet clients with a passion for home renovations, join a group that offers tips and advice to homeowners in your area and share your knowledge. If you offer personal training services, join a Meetup that focuses on health, wellness, and fitness and start making friends. You just might make lasting relationships along the way!

The biggest Meetups generate plenty of curiosity, but the average Meetup size is around 10 people. If you’ve discovered the right 10 people, that’s all you need. The best way to use Meetups for your business is extending reach and visibility, recruiting new talent, initiating new ideas and learning about new market developments - Meetups near me

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