An Entrepreneurs Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is here once again, a time in November when Americans enjoy delicious feats, spend one-on-one time with family, and (hopefully) take a break from work. As an entrepreneur, I have found that Thanksgiving is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the things I am most grateful for in my ventures this past year. 

Enjoy my personal entrepreneur’s Thanksgiving, and don’t forget to give thanks for your own business blessings this year - professional networking events near me

  1. To Wake Up with a Purpose

    Discovering your purpose in life is a gift in and of itself. Many people lumber through their daily jobs, watching the clock, and living paycheck to paycheck. However, my purpose as a business venturer has given me genuine satisfaction in my work. For this, I am abundantly grateful. 

  2. Building something from nothing.

    As a startup, you are creating everything from scratch. The unknown can undoubtedly cause a lot of stress and make you second guess your decisions. But in times like this, I make an effort to accept and embrace the uncertainty and the sense of accomplishment that comes from building something from nothing. 

  3. Being passionate about what you do.

    Entrepreneurs are no stranger to roadblocks. There’s a lot of them, and most are inevitable. These can be immensely frustrating. One time, my team and I struggled to boost our conversion rates on a specific product line. No matter how hard we tried, the number simply would not budge. After ten failed attempts, we were ready to give up. We kept going, and on the eleventh attempt, we succeeded. 

  4. My support network of friends and family.

    Starting a new business venture is incredibly draining. Sometimes it’s a tough day, a tough month, or even a tough year. In times like these, it’s easy to feel defeated. Fortunately, I have a fantastic network of friends, family, and associates that have supported me through all the highs and lows. Without them, I would have never been able to power through the self-doubt or unstable business quarters. Every day, but especially on Thanksgiving, I feel an immense sense of thankfulness for them all. 

  5. Ability to grow as a business owner. 

    If there’s one thing that I’ve learned this last year, it’s the importance of building a professional network. Professional networking events near me have helped me meet like-minded individuals who are willing to offer me support and guidance in the areas I need it most. For this, I am thankful! 

As an entrepreneur, what are you thankful for this year? 

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