How to Craft an Elevator Pitch

What is an elevator pitch? Why do you need one? Well, the name stays true to what it is. An elevator pitch is a way to pitch yourself to someone else as a professional or your brand in the amount of time it takes to ride an elevator. 

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Here are some tips for crafting the perfect elevator pitch for yourself.


1. Keep it brief

Because the elevator pitch is supposed to last the length of an elevator ride, that means your pitch should range from about 30-60 seconds. You don’t need to include your entire work history or all your career goals. Rather, this pitch should give a short recap of who you are and what you do.

2. Be persuasive

Even though it’s a short pitch, it should be compelling enough to spark interest. 

3. Practice

The best way to feel comfortable about something is to have done it so many times that it seems nearly impossible to mess up. By practicing your elevator pitch more, you will feel more confident when you actually need to use it. 

4. Be flexible

Giving an elevator pitch is not always used in an interview for a specific role. Because of this, be flexible with the words you choose. For example, if you want to travel a lot, that’s cool, but you don’t need to mention it in the pitch. Mentioning anything too specific can discourage the person listening from seeing you in many roles that aren’t exactly what you said. Be flexible!

5. Have a business card

It’s a good idea to have a business card with you anytime you think you might be using your elevator pitch. This is important because as memorable as your pitch might have been, the listener could forget it 5 minutes later when they start their next meeting. Offering your business card at the end of the conversation is a great way to try and stay connected. Having a business card also shows that you are prepared and ready to talk.


If you are wondering what not to do during your elevator speech, here are a few examples.

  1. Don’t talk too fast

  2. Avoid rambling

  3. Don’t speak in a monotone way

  4. Don’t restrict yourself

All of these elements are things that can ruin your speech. By talking too fast, rambling, or speaking in a monotone voice, you can lose the attention of your listener. By restricting yourself to only one elevator pitch, you can walk yourself into a corner. Have a few different variations of your elevator pitch ready to use. This will help you in the event that you are talking about a different field of interest or if your pitch happens to be in a more casual setting.

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