Networking During COVID-19

In a matter of months, nearly 40 million Americans lost their jobs. As companies and individuals struggle through the height of the coronavirus pandemic, we are left with a single tool to recover our business careers: networking. 

Thankfully, experts reveal that there are a number of methodical approaches to let others know your business still exists. Connecting with people through the coronavirus pandemic requires honesty, pureness, and authenticity. 

Want more tips from the experts? Join networking events near me

Drop the usual greetings. 

Under normal circumstances, a simple, “Hi, how are things?” would suffice. But, with stress from evolving regulations, home and work lives colliding, and the desire to keep loved ones well, hardly anyone is feeling “fine” these days. Although less than 1% of Americans have contracted COVID-19, more than 40% of Americans say their emotional well-being has suffered in a recent poll. 

Go for “Face-to-Face” Communication

While traditional networking may occur over coffee, cultivated relationships by meeting in person is nearly impossible right now. Rather than settle for an in-personal phone call, don’t be shy to set up a video chat so you can actually see one another. In fact, many networking agencies, like ProNet, are hosting networking events near me over Zoom to help establish authentic connections. 

Focus on Giving, Not Receiving

Networking is about giving just as much as receiving. Helping others will make your connections more likely to want to help you. Being by making a list of possible ways you can assist the people in your network. Even small things that are sincere and genuine can make a big difference in jump-starting your networking relationships. 

Be Patient

Things are a lot different right now, and it’s likely that they won’t return completely to normal any time soon. Just like you, most other people’s lives are upended right now. They may even be working double duty to keep their family and business’s afloat. Thus, too many repeated reminders can backfire in times of high-stress. Networkers should hold modest expectations and spread the judging over periods of time as to not put any additional strain on others. Adopting this mentality will also make you feel more appreciative when someone takes the time to get back to you quickly or extends a favor your way. 

For more help creating connections and navigating these interesting times join ProNet, the Professional’s Referral Network in Dallas! Our association of business professionals are committed to helping one another cultivate and grow business through the power of a sound professional network. Find out more about networking events near me today!


How to Network and Build Meaningful Connections Remotely


Happy Father’s Day from ProNet!