Unique Perspectives on What Makes a Great Leader

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” - John C Maxwell

There are numerous qualities and characteristics that embody the idea of leadership. However defined, a leader is someone that proves the difference between success and failure. In this article, we look at unique perspectives on what makes a great leader from real-world success stories

  1. Believe in Yourself

    First and foremost, a great leader must have conviction. You can’t expect others to consider you a leader unless you, yourself believe in your ideas. Great leaders have confidence in themselves and their employees and passion in what they do to motivate and inspire - networking events near me

  2. Make Sacrifices 

    With great leadership comes great sacrifice. Make the hard choice to enhance the lives of those around you. As a business owner, it isn’t only about your success. Your family and the families of those who work for you rely on you. 

  3. Earn the Team’s Respect 

    Care, empathy, and respect are all qualities of a great leader. Earning the respect of your team is crucial to a successful working relationship. Show that you care about your team’s work and ideas and connect in a way that allows them to understand you know what it’s like in their position. 

  4. Recognize Strengths and Weaknesses 

    Knowing each member of your team’s strengths and weaknesses is imperative for success. Similar to our personal lives, leaders use the resources on hand to solve problems. Play to your team’s strengths to reach your vision. - networking events near me

  5. Understand that People are the Key to Success

    A great leader knows that the people they lead determine the success and failure of any venture. Focusing your time and effort on cultivating a team of confident, competent individuals who work well together can inspire a trusting and nurturing environment that leads to success. 

  6. Communicate a Clear Vision

    A great leader has clear goals and can articulate their vision. He or she believes in teamwork and is a strategic planner. They aren’t afraid to hire people that are better than they are and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help.

  7. Serve a Greater Cause 

    Great leaders are incredibly ambitious with personal humility and a will to lead others for a cause bigger than themselves. Keeping your team motivated requires helping people to be the best that they can be, in a safe and encouraging environment. Remember, it starts with the heart and continues with clarity and purpose. Lead by example and encourage others to follow, but never by force. 

Want more great leadership and business tips? Join Pro Net, the Professional Referral’s Network, networking events near me today. Click here to become a member. 


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